Oak Hill Park - A Good Example

The London Natural History Society recently arranged a virtual talk by Matthew Frith, Head of conservation at London Wildlife Trust (the charity who manage our nature reserve).

"Wet, Dry and Wilder? Managing our city better for nature in a time of climate instability". Our park is shown as a good example. The clip here is just a short extract from the talk, you can watch the hour-long video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omxh5zL6E24

More information about this project in the Projects page...

Oak Hill Park & Wood Video

This video of the park and wood was created in 2020 by Alan Last who (due to shielding from Covid-19) went on daily walks just after dawn.
This provided exceptional views of our area without many people around.

The video is nearly 20 minutes long, so sit back and enjoy!